Obesity, A Death Route

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Obesity, A Death Route

Obesity is a condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may harm health. It is one of the most critical public health issues of our time, and it affects how people live and what societies spend on healthcare.

Obesity is when you are too fat. Chances are if you’re reading this, it’s not a problem for you. But in some segments of society, things like obesity and wealth correlate positively: the more money one has, the more likely one is to be obese.

Unfortunately for those who can’t afford better food or don’t have access to healthier environments (i.e., people with low socioeconomic status), this is not a coincidence: obesity rates increase as poverty rates rise and vice versa.

Health Risks Linked to Obesity

Obesity can lead to many diseases such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, breast cancer, colon cancer, gout, stroke, and osteoarthritis. In 2016 it even overtook smoking as the most significant preventable cause of cancer deaths.

Obesity is associated with increased mortality from all causes. For example, it has been estimated that one-third of United States deaths are due to obesity compared with 16% in Europe. Furthermore, death rates increase with rising weight proportionally, even among non-obese persons.

Poor nutrition is a significant cause of obesity. When people eat the wrong foods, the calories in those foods are stored as fat. The body’s response to a high-calorie diet is similar to a person who does not eat at all, i.e., the body stops burning energy and starts storing energy (weight gain).

Obesity makes you more likely to have conditions including:

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Arthritis

But not everyone who is obese has these problems. People who are obese can often be healthy and avoid disease altogether if they manage their weight, eat well, exercise regularly, and avoid smoking or drinking alcohol.

Strategies to Prevent and Manage Obesity

There are no simple solutions to obesity, which is why it’s so difficult to manage. To increase your chances of preventing or managing obesity, you must first identify what contributes most heavily towards it.

This is a complex issue, and it will take a lot of effort on the part of many people to make any real impact. However, to help in the action of prevention, organizations involved in health care need to be able to track obesity accurately to identify populations that will be most susceptible.

State and Local Programs

Plenty of resources are available to diminish the impacts of obesity. Maintaining a healthy weight, getting regular physical activity, and knowing your BMI are helpful if you’re trying to combat obesity.

Good Nutrition

Nutrition and exercise are essential in any weight-loss program. But sometimes, people can’t lose weight, and it seems like there is no hope for them. However, we can all learn how to fight obesity by looking at what has been done in the past and understanding that it’s not an easy battle.

Physical Activity

Physical activities are suitable for the body and mind, but obesity can make it tougher to maintain a healthy weight. To help combat obesity, there are some simple things you can do to stay active. Some of these tips include walking outside on lovely days, taking up a new sport like tennis or golf, and exercising at home with simple household items like rubber bands.

Water is also one of the most critical factors to maintaining an appropriate weight; drinking more than 2 liters of water daily is recommended for people trying to lose or maintain their weight.

To live a happy and active life without obesity is a myth and overrated. Studies have proved that those who are obese can be more active than those who are not, as the extra weight makes it easier to move. The main reason for this is increased metabolism caused by increased body mass index (BMI).

However, obesity cannot be healthy as excess body fat leads to high cholesterol levels, poor circulation, and cardiac problems. It also contributes to lower quality of life and shorter life expectancy for those afflicted with obesity.

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