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Complaint Policy
In accordance with the Complaints Policy of Lets Care All, Service User(s) and / or their representatives who have any cause for concern or who wish to make a complaint about the service are assured that by lodging a complaint or raising a query they will experience no disadvantage or reprisal.
Lets Care All welcomes comments from Service User(s) and their representative(s) and other stakeholders in the service and uses the input of this type as part of their Quality Monitoring programme.
Lets Care all operates its Complaints Procedure following Regulation 19 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (regulated Activities 2014).
Informal Complaints:
Formal Complaints:
Formal complaints will be acknowledged in writing within two working days. If a longer period is required, the Office Manager will negotiate this with the Service User(s). Lets Care All will carry out an investigation and take action within 28 days of receiving a complaint, and the complainant will be notified of the outcomes of the investigation, findings and action taken within this time.
If you are not happy with the way the service is dealing you can make a complaint via email manager@letscareall.org.uk or address it in writing at the address below
Lets Care All Ltd
First Floor Office Fairlawn High Street
Southall UB1 3HB
Phone: +44 (0) 20 3802 4114
You can also contact your Local Authority Complaints Team to complain. You can contact the Local Authority Complaints Team at:
Local Authority Complaints Team
Once we have dealt with your complaint, if you are not happy with the outcome you can refer your complaint to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman and ask for it to be reviewed. The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman provides a free independent service.
You can contact them at:
The Local Government and Social Care
Ombudsman PO Box 4771
Coventry CV4 0EH Tel: 0300 061 0614
Email: advice@lgo.org.uk
Website: https://www.lgo.org.uk/
Complaint form: https://www.lgo.org.uk/complaint-form
NB: The Ombudsman will not normally investigate a complaint until the provider has had an opportunity to respond and resolve matters.
Lets Care All Ltd services will be registered with and regulated by the Care Quality Commission. The CQC cannot get involved in individual complaints about providers but is happy to receive information about services at any time.
You can contact the CQC at:
Care Quality Commission
National Correspondence Care Quality Commission (CQC)
National Correspondence Citygate, Gallowgate
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4PA Tel: 03000 616161
Fax: 03000 616171
Website: www.cqc.org.uk
*We can provide this policy in other languages or in other formats on request